Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Appeal received & New February followers!

I have yet to receive a contact about what is going on with my case from San Antonio. No calls, No emails, No letters in the past 2 months. Passive aggressiveness anyone, do they think I am just going to go away?

I did receive a letter from the board of Appeals, simply a confirmation… confirmation that nothing is going to get done, right? I am on to these Texas rope around-run around games that they continue to play, aren't I? When will these con artists learn to stop with the due process violations, stop treating me like an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about and start giving me proper justice?!

Here is what arrived in my mail box a few days ago.

Here is the activity from February so far, I have a few new followers as ya'll can see!
Welcome Shiner Texas if you are on here half as much as San Antonio or Hobson maybe you can help translate what true justice is? Or maybe you're simply another minion of the corruption just aiding and abetting any chance you get? Either way enjoy the blog as I am sure you will be back like all the others, won't you?

We'll see who else drops in and starts following the developments as the onion of corruption peels back one layer at a time!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Appeal filed via email to Board of Appeals on Michael Bernard

Just like dealing with the San Antonio Scum, I jump through the hoops and in return am awarded by more and more corruption. Why should it be any different with the friends of the corrupt? I am not going to be waiting and wondering if I will get justice from any of these agencies, will I? They have all proven their worth and continue to side with the evidence withholders.

Here is the Appeal form and letter I Emailed.

I added a ton of my evidence, letters, complaints and correspondence to the email, didn't I?

They received the email, didn't they?

My guess is in few more days I will get a letter saying the same thing that all these law breakers continue to spew from their gnashing teeth, "we're on the side that steals money from you and gives to corrupt of San Antonio!"